Crashing Weddings Russian Style
This circumstance is actually very telling in that it openned my eyes to the soci-economic dynamics of Suzdal. About 90% of Suzdal's economy is completely relient on tourism. My host parents explained to me that life in the winter months is very hard. Suzdal is a vacation destination for its history, monasteries, and gorgeous open landscape views; however, it has no mountains. Therefore tourism is non existant in the winter and day to day life can be quite bleak. At this time of year all the local buisinesses open and flocks of Chinese, Japanese, Arab, and French tourists arrive to Suzdal. My host father is a retired police officer in town and now works in security at Suzdal's largest resort. The resort looks like Disney World. Gorgeous restored buildings, a gorgeous old onion domed church in the center, and a full spa and fitness center make this prime real estate for wealthy travelers. In the photo below you can see how beautiful the grounds of the resort are. The fascinating part is that large walls surround the resort and the only entrance is gated and heavily monitored by a team of security guards. It is baffling that the very kids who have no recreational space at their school and live literally adjacent to the walls of the resort, are not allowed to enter and use the state of the art facilities that sit empty for seven months out of the year. The resort is owned by a large hotel corporation based in Moscow. It is unfortunate to see such resources completely out of touch with the local deserving community.
My host father was able to get me on the premise and advised me how to sneak up to catch a glimpse of a Russian wedding. I snuck around the grounds and positioned myself towards the back of the ceremony. Everyone was dressed like they were going to a grand ball at the Kremlin. A tower of champagne flutes and a chocolate fountain with strawberries the size of volleyballs caught my eye. I did not have nearly the guts to help myself. Maybe if my language skills were excellent I may have been able to talk my way through it, but to try and avoid getting taken outback and having my Russian dressing all over some guys knuckle sandwhich, I tried to stay out of sight and remain a mute. The ceremony was very decadent and the function hall where the reception was, resembled an eighteenth century palace. It turns out the bride and groom were not from anywhere close to Suzdal. The groom appeared to be some rich mafioso's son from Moscow. It was fascinating to see such decadence smack dab in the middle of a community that lives so very modestly.